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Why are Somalia and Ethiopia in a deepening diplomatic dispute?

Rift comes after Somaliland deal giving landlocked Ethiopia access to the Red Sea.

First UN food aid in months arrives in Sudan?s Darfur as famine looms

Aid deliveries follow talks to reopen humanitarian corridors from Chad amid warnings that millions face acute hunger.

La Somalie accuse l'Éthiopie d'interférence et renvoie son ambassadeur à Addis-Abeba

Le gouvernement somalien a annoncé, jeudi, avoir demandé l'expulsion de l'ambassadeur d'Éthiopie et fermé les représentations éthiopiennes dans le pays. La Somalie reproche à son voisin d'avoir reçu une délégation du Puntland. Cette région semi-autonome somalienne affirme ne plus reconnaître le gouvernement fédéral depuis dimanche. 

Somalia expels Ethiopian ambassador amid Somaliland port deal dispute

Mogadishu also shuts down Addis Ababas consulates in Hargeisa, capital of the Somaliland, and Garowe in Puntland.

Why mass kidnappings still plague Nigeria a decade after Chibok abductions

Nigeria, with one of the strongest armies in the region, battles to tackle insecurity putting vulnerable groups at risk.

Judith Suminwa Tuluka nommée Première ministre en RDC

Le président Félix Tshisekedi a nommé Judith Suminwa Tuluka à la tête du gouvernement en République Démocratique du Congo. Dans ses premiers mots, la nouvelle Première ministre a affirmé que « la tâche est grande, les défis immenses » tout en affirmant que le président pourra compter sur sa « grande loyauté ». Au Mali, plus 80 partis et associations interpellent les autorités en place. Ils réclament le retour à l?ordre constitutionnel et l?organisation d?élections « dans les meilleurs délais ». Enfin à Lagos, au Nigeria, où en est-on, plus de deux mois après l'interdiction des contenants en polystyrène et plastiques à usage unique ?

Egypt?s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to be sworn in as president for third term

El-Sisis new term of six years is supposed to be his last, according to the constitution.

Re Carlo, la messa breve e senza pranzo di Pasqua: il graduale ritorno alla normalità (e Kate e William con i tre figli lontani)

Cerimonia leggera, con pochi Windsor, «distanziati» da Carlo. Primo evento in presenza dopo la malattia. E a giugno Carlo e William andranno in Normandia per il D-Day

The football pitch that doubles as an execution ground

Goalposts used by children on a beach in Somalia's capital are posts set up for firing squad executions.

La Germania si divide sul destino del bassotto. Gli animalisti: «Meglio l?estinzione»

La legge sul benessere animale e le sofferenze di un cane simbolo. Gli animalisti: meglio l?estinzione. Insorgono i fan. Il ministro: no agli allevatori senza scrupoli

Sudan slips into famine as warring sides starve civilians

Without online remittances, soaring prices and cereal production cut, Sudan is in the middle of a humanitarian disaster.

Re Carlo ci sarà, mancheranno Kate e William: la Pasqua dei Windsor, dopo 3 mesi «horribilis»

Mancheranno William, Kate e i figli partiti per Sandringham, Anmer Hall. Ma re Carlo ci sarà, l?inizio di un ritorno soft alla normalità. Camilla oggi a Shrewsbury raccoglie una lettera per Kate e dice: «Catherine sarà commossa dal sostegno»

The EU-Mauritania migration deal is destined to fail

The agreement will not stem the flow of asylum seekers to European shores and could also destabilise Mauritania.

Binance executive detained in Nigeria in crypto case escapes custody

The Binance executive was detained when he arrived in Nigeria following the crackdown on the company.

Au Nigeria, les dizaines d'élèves enlevés début mars ont été libérés

Les autorités nigérianes ont annoncé dimanche la libération de 137 filles et garçons enlevés le 7 mars par des hommes armés dans leur école de Kuriga, dans l'État de Kaduna.

Présidentielle au Tchad : le Conseil constitutionnel rejette la candidature des principaux opposants

Le Conseil constitutionnel tchadien a invalidé dimanche la candidature des principaux opposants au pouvoir, en raison notamment d'irrégularités administratives. Une décision qui intervient moins d'un mois après la mort du principal rival politique du général Déby, son propre cousin Yaya Dillo Djérou, tué le 28 février par des militaires dans l'assaut du siège de son parti.

?Never-ending humiliation?: Recalling horrors in Libya?s migration centres

Rescued in the middle of the Mediterranean, two men describe their experience being trafficked.

More than 130 kidnapped Nigerian students released: Government spokesman

Kidnapping in Kaduna on March 7 was one of the biggest such attacks in years and prompted national outcry over security.

Nigerian army rescues 17 students abducted from Sokoto state

Children who were kidnapped in two separate abductions in northern Nigeria have been freed.

Only effective way to ramp up Gaza aid is by land, UN chief Guterres says

During a visit to Egypt, Antonio Guterres warns of impact Israels months-long war on Gaza is having around the globe.

From the desert to the icy waters of Wales

How an Egyptian's dream of living near Welsh mountains led to a cold water swimming "addiction".

Captured Somali pirates arrive in India to face trial over ship hijacking

The 35 men are to be prosecuted for the hijacking of cargo vessel MV Ruen in December when they took the crew hostage.

Au Niger, 23 militaires tués et 17 autres blessés dans une embuscade "terroriste"

Vingt-trois militaires nigériens ont péri dans "une embuscade" tendue par "des terroristes" lors d'une "opération de ratissage" de l'armée dans l'ouest, près du Mali et du Burkina Faso, a annoncé, jeudi soir, le ministère nigérien de la Défense.

Bodies of 65 people found in mass grave in Libya: UN migration agency

The IOM believes the people were migrants who died in the process of being smuggled through the desert in Libya.

Blinken meets with Arab officials, calls for ?enduring end? to Gaza crisis

US secretary of state holds talks with Egyptian president and crown prince of Saudi Arabia in latest Middle East tour.

Famine looms in Sudan as civil war survivors tell of killings and rapes

BBC teams report from the devastated capital and hear accounts of rapes and street executions from refugees.

Sudan one of the ?worst humanitarian disasters in recent memory?, UN warns

The UN says a humanitarian travesty is playing out in Sudan amid international inattention and inaction.

UN reports 35 percent increase in people affected by South Sudan violence

New report says civilians are bearing the brunt of a surge in intercommunal conflict in pockets of South Sudan.

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