Nigeria?s Military Raids Boko Haram Camps, Kill Over 30 Terrorists And Free 338 Captives ? ...

Nigeria#8217;s military conducted daring raids on Boko Haram camps and claim to have killed over 30 terrorists. The commandos also freed about 338 people held captive by the terrorist faction. Nigerian...

Around 25 Dead in Boko Haram Raid in Niger

Reuters NIAMEY? Around 25 people have been killed in a Boko Haram attack on a village in southern Niger and subsequent clashes between the Islamist militants and the army, two Niger military officials ...

Raid contro scafisti, risoluzione Onu per azione Ue in acque Libia

L?Unione Europea e i singoli paesi sarebbero autorizzati ad agire nelle acque territoriali libiche contro i barconi, anche con sequestro, che portano migranti e rifugiati in Europa

Raid aérien des forces loyales au gouvernement sur Tripoli

Le pouvoir du gouvernement libyen reconnu par la communauté internationale, retranché dans l'est de la Libye est contesté par Aube libyenne à Tripoli.

Raids contre Boko Haram sur des îles du lac Tchad

Des forces tchadiennes et nigériennes ont attaqué lundi des îles du lac Tchad qui servent de repaire aux islamistes de Boko Haram, rapportent des sources militaires à Niamey.

Raid Boko Haram in Ciad,una decina morti

Jihadisti venuti da Nigeria a bordo piroghe assaltano villaggio

Sudan Human Rights Group's Offices Raided

Reuters KHARTOUM? Security forces raided the Sudanese Observatory for Human Rights on Sunday, just weeks after jailing its former leader, the monitoring group#39;s leader said, in what activists fear i...

Raid Boko Haram, 16 villaggi colpiti
La Bbc: «Cadaveri per strada»

Assalto alla città di Baga. «I morti forse più di duemila», almeno 560 persone bloccate su un?isola del lago Ciad al confine. «Stanno morendo, sono senza cibo»

Five Die in Continued Air Raids On Darfur's East Jebel Marra

[Radio Dabanga]East Jebel Marra -The Sudanese Air Force continued its bombardments on villages in East Jebel Marra for the second consecutive day, killing a father and his four children, as well as doz...

Gunmen Raid Nigerian Cement Plant

VOA News Reports say militants in Nigeria#39;s Gombe state have attacked a French cement plant, in the second...
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