L?Egypte en état d?urgence après deux attentats anti-chrétiens

A trois semaines d'accueillir le pape François, l'Egypte est entrée sous le régime d'état d'urgence après les deux attentats à la bombe revendiqués par le groupe Etat islamique (EI) qui ont visé des é...

Coronavirus: premier décès en Afrique, un touriste allemand succombe en Egypte

L'Egypte a annoncé dimanche le premier décès en Afrique lié au nouveau coronavirus dans le sud-est du pays, tandis qu'un bateau de croisière sur lequel 45 cas avaient été détectés était évacué à Louxo...

Another reason why the U.S. hasn't condemned Egypt's coup: one high-level personal relationship

p/pThe Obama administration and a data-xslt="_http" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/07/05/key-congressional-committee-backs-egypt-coup/"key congressional leaders/a, to the ...

Orascom Development Holding AG: largest subsidiary in Egypt, Orascom Development Egypt (ODE)...

Orascom Development Holding AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous 31-Jan-2019 / 18:00 CET/CEST Release of an ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 KR The issuer is solely responsible for the ...

How to live your life: Advice from an American student who was killed in Egypt

p/pAndrew Pochter, a 21-year-old Kenyon College student from Chevy Chase, Md., was a data-xslt="_http" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-youth-slain-in-egypt-was-trying-to-make-the-world-a-b...

Three reasons Mohamed ElBaradei is an odd choice to be Egypt's new prime minister

p/pMohamed ElBaradei, the 71-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner, former head of the United Nations' nuclear agency and Egyptian opposition figure has just added a new line to his resume: He's been a dat...

Obama urges military to return Egypt to democracy

pemPresident Obama, in a statement issued Wednesday night, said that only the people of Egypt can ultimately determine the future of the country, but that Washington is ?deeply concerned? by the Egypti...

Is what happened in Egypt a coup or a revolution? It's both.

p/pWhen Egyptian military chief Abdel Fatah al-Sissi went on Egyptian TV Wednesday to read the statement that a data-xslt="_http" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/egypts-morsi-defiant-under-pr...

Egyptian military ousts Morsi, suspends constitution

pCAIRO ? The Egyptian military removed President Mohamed Morsi from power Wednesday and suspended the constitution in moves it said were aimed at resolving a data-xslt="_http" href="http://apps.washing...

Le projet éthiopien de méga-barrage sur le Nil, source de tensions régionales

Le projet de méga-barrage sur le Nil bleu, lancé en 2011 par l'Ethiopie, suscite des tensions régionales en particulier avec l'Egypte qui dépend à 90% du fleuve pour son approvisionnement en eau. - Di...
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